Station Setup

My antenna park:
- An indoor homemade 15/20m dipole.
- An outdoor homemade dipole for 6 to 80m.
- An outdoor Fritzel GPA-30 triband vertical for 10/15/20m.
- An outdoor diamond V-2000 for 2/6m and 70cm.
The dipole balun, the Fritzel
GPA-30 and the diamond V-2000.
My current station / shack setup is:
- Yaesu
FT DX 3000 for Phone, CW and Digital.
- Kenwood TS-690S for HF and a MFJ
941E ATU. Also a rigblaster for some
digital modes. With the outdoor homemade dipole or vertical antenna.
- Yaesu FT 690R II 6m rig with a TE
systems 0510G PA working with a Diamond V-2000.
- Kenwood TM-G707 2m/70cm rig used for 70cm
packet with a TNC2Multi and the Diamond V-2000
- Yaesu FT-100 HF/6m/2m/70cm rig for local 2m
ragchewing. Also with the Diamond V-2000 for 2m and a indoor homemade
dipole for HF 15/20m with a MFJ 971 ATU. This
rig and ATU is also my field day / holiday setup.
- President Lincoln all mode Citizen Band/10m
rig with a cb mobile whip and a indoor 10m homemade dipole.
- One PC's, connected to my TNC2Multi on 70cm
and to my Rigblaster for digital modes on HF
on the Kenwood.
- Yaesu
FTD3 for C4FM.
- Yaesu VX-3, a 2m/70cm duoband handheld transceiver.
- Yupeteru MVT 7100 hanheld scanner for
listening to police, fire department etc. etc.
- A working ANGR-9 surplus transceiver with
add-ons. Just for the fun of it.
- Already mentioned a Diamond V-2000 2m/6m/70cm vertical antenna.
- Sony ICF SW7600G radio for "normal radio"
- A Heil PRO-SET plus! headset.
- A Junker Straight morse key.
- A Bencher
BY-1 paddle.
- I have a CS700 DMR handheld and a DV4Mini used an local DMR/C4FM
access point.
- I use Q-view QSL card holder to show my
precious QSL cards.
- One DV Dongle for D-STAR.
- On Icom
IC-M25 Euro. A Marine VHF Transceiver. Yes I also got my Marine
VHF license.
- A SDRPlay RSPdx for
receive and as a panadapter for the Yaesu FT DX 3000.
Software. I use many programs but these are the important ones:
- I use Log4OM V2
as my logging program. It interfaces nicely with LoTW, eQSL,
QRZ and Clublog.
- I'm also a MixW
registered user. It's a great program for many digital modes!
- I use N1MM
for contest logging.
- I'm also a registered user of UI-VIEW.
The best APRS program out there. I use it with AGW Packet Engine (Free)
- I use WSJT-X
for JT65 and FT8/FT4. FT8 is great during low sunspot times !
- I also use Gridtracker
as an add-on to WSJT-X. A great software program that also interfaces
with Log4OM.
- To be able to switch easily between radios, I use a free, small but
perfect little piece of software called Omni-Rig.
I'm working 2m for local ragchewing on 145.250 and the PI4WLD net on
145.350. I'm using 70cm mainly for APRS and monitoring 438.700 repeater.
I'm working SSB on 6m for collecting locator grids.
On HF I mainly work Phone but also CW and some digital modes mainly FT8.
I hope to work you some day on any of these bands in any of these